Reiki is the highest and most profound vibration of life.
— Garry Malone

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality, used to assist in the body’s (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) innate ability to process the flow of energy.

As we move through life, this process can be disrupted, by trauma and the unconscious suppression of emotions, creating energetic blockages that can potentially manifest as physical ailments.

Reiki taps into your energetic field, healing the flow of energy within the bodies, to your highest capacity and greatest good.

What are the benefits?

Reiki has been known to improve sleep, increase clarity of mind/connection to one’s inner knowing or intuition, create a greater sense of peace, relieve stress and anxiety, and has the potential to reduce symptoms tied to certain physical ailments. Reiki however should not be utilized as a replacement for professional medical treatment.

What can I expect?

Everyone experiences Reiki differently, some experiencing physical sensations such as heat or cold, release of emotions through crying or laughing…even excessive yawning! However your experience of Reiki manifests, all you are required to do in order to receive the healing is set the intention to open to it, and I as your practitioner act as a bridge for the Reiki to flow wherever and however it is needed.

Currently, all sessions are done via Zoom. Distance Reiki allows those seeking healing to receive it no matter where in the world they are. Reiki is spiritual energy, and energy transcends both time and space.

If you’re ready to open up to the magic of Reiki…

Book an Appointment

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